Cirque du Soleil

Went to see the new IRIS show at the Kodak theater last night.It was an amazing show; there's one comedy skit like an award ceremony where they pick out someone from the audience, and they picked me! They had the spot lights on me all of a sudden and I had to go on stage and act out the skit with them; I was on stage for at least 10 minutes. It made the whole thing even funnier that they picked me, someone who almost failed public speaking in college :-) I'll be laughing thinking about this whole thing for the rest of my life! Amazing...

Here's a video of the very end, who can act out the best dying scene :-)

[hana-flv-player video="" width="476" height="846" description="" player="2" autoload="true" autoplay="false" loop="false" autorewind="false" /]

New Toy!

Got this 2001 BMW Z3 on friday! It is in amazingly good condition and has relatively few miles on it for a ten year old car.I've been in love with the Z3's ever since they first came out, and it's a blast to drive!


Booth Sketches

Next big house project is to make a new dining setup, and here are some views of a booth setup. The window is a problem, but I'm guessing puffy cushions for the back will prevent people from hitting their heads on the shutters. 8




It seems a bit small, but looking at the top view it shouldn't be any bigger. I think this would be comfortable seating for 6, but you could fit 8.

Kitchen Project

I've been wanting to add some kind of cabinet/countertop on this part of the kitchen for couple months now, and I think this is probably the best solution for the space. It'll be a nice spot for the coffeemaker and toaster. IMG_0637 got the free standing cabinet and open shelves from Ikea.




Tim helped cutting the countertop to shape, and adding the outlets. We will be patching up the drywall and fixing the paint today, and it'll probably take couple days to apply the butcher block oil

Richard Renaldi

I bought three prints from one of my favorite photographers, Richard Renaldi, and I'm so excited! Can't wait to get the prints! The prints are of Blue Night 2009, Christine 2003, and Thor 2008.I really love his work, and his book Figure and Ground is one of my favorite photo books.

Blue Night



©Richard Renaldi

When it Rains

We had an incredible amount of rain last december, and my backyard got flooded.Here's a photo of the lawn under 4 inches of water.
