4x5 Outtake

Here's a 4x5 slide from a 2006 shoot for USC which I had not scanned previously.There's Adam, who was a student at USC and a fellow intern at Metro at the time, and Danièle Watts, another student who is now a professional actor. It was great to see her in Weeds last season!



Cirque du Soleil

Went to see the new IRIS show at the Kodak theater last night.It was an amazing show; there's one comedy skit like an award ceremony where they pick out someone from the audience, and they picked me! They had the spot lights on me all of a sudden and I had to go on stage and act out the skit with them; I was on stage for at least 10 minutes. It made the whole thing even funnier that they picked me, someone who almost failed public speaking in college :-) I'll be laughing thinking about this whole thing for the rest of my life! Amazing...

Here's a video of the very end, who can act out the best dying scene :-)

[hana-flv-player video="http://www.denizdurmus.com/photoblog/video/iris-me.f4v" width="476" height="846" description="" player="2" autoload="true" autoplay="false" loop="false" autorewind="false" /]


Work's been steady these last two months, and I didn't have much time to update the blog. Not much is happening except work ;-)

Here are some random recent photos,

IMGP1117.jpg I finally managed to get some time to do sightseeing during the last NY trip, went to the Stature of Liberty and Ellis Island, which was an amazing experience.

IMGP1026.jpg Drove down to old town Philadelphia to see the Liberty Hall and the Liberty Bell. This is the birthplace of democracy!

IMGP1241.jpg This is weird, this sign was on a garage door in San Diego, and I have no clue how it got there. It says "safety specialist", and the city name in Turkey.

IMGP0001.jpg One of the macro flower shots I had to do for an allergen related project. Kinda cool.

Some new photos of Sammie the puggle. IMGP9904.jpg


IMG_0894.JPG the local zoo that is my house



IMG_0911.JPG the cat and the puggle are getting along much better now...

and here's a video of Sammie doing the head tilt.

The Assassination of Jesse James

Saw this movie today on dvd, and I'm upset that I didn't get to see it on the big screen. It was truly fascinating, and moviemaking at it's best. This line from the review at filmfreakcentral sums it up nicely: "Jesse James is close to three hours of slow, trancelike contemplation of details of place, character, time"

Website Got Hacked! ...and fixed!

It seems like someone hijacked my website and added a trojan applet to every page.It happened on the 18th of this month, and I fixed it today, so if anyone visited here between the 18th and 22nd and got this certificate for a java app, hope you didn't click it. If you did, please do a spyware/trojan check on your computer.


Took a long time fix. Bastards.